Sunday, April 03, 2005

100 Things About Me

Alright Sonja, you asked for it.
  1. I was born in Edmonton Alberta.
  2. I like broccoli.
  3. I have no interested in politics or money. My corruption comes from naturally occurring energies. :)
  4. I am trying to improve.
  5. I am a fan of Paul Simon since I saw him on the Muppet Show
  6. I will purposely not doing something someone says I should until several months have passed. I like to do things in my own time.
  7. I can't dance. And by can't, of course, I mean it is physically impossible for me to carry a rhythm for too long because I am always thinking about too many things.
  8. I build repetition and routines I don't have to think about as a survival mechanism.
  9. I currently have 3 blank journals scattered around in case I ever decide to start writing.
  10. I wanted to be a detective when I grew up.
  11. I tear my toys out of the packages and play with them.
  12. I still surprise myself sometimes.
  13. I love that I grew up poor. I have had greater adventures because I had to fend for myself.
  14. I scared 6 people at West Edmonton Mall when walking through the aquarium I yelled "Penguins!!" when I saw the penguins.
  15. I get frustrated easily.
  16. I don't always follow the rules. Sometimes the rules I break are the ones that I shouldn't.
  17. I can be vague.
  18. I can read upside down and backwards. It's tough, but not impossible.
  19. I don't know my limits. Given enough time and inclination, I don't think there is anything I can't do.
  20. I exaggerate. But I'm a writer, so it's more like embellishment.
  21. I love playing games. I don't even care if I'm any good at it.
  22. I usually play devil's advocate. It drives people nuts, but I like to argue.
  23. I sometimes can't control my emotions. I have actually cried watching a dog food commercial.
  24. I have 2 cousins named Brent.
  25. I want to build a house in the country and get a dog.
  26. I can only remember 12 of the 24 runes off the top of my head.
  27. I am a dabbler. I like to try different things, though I don't subscribe to any one thing.
  28. I took a baseball bat to the forehead in grade three, just above my left eye.
  29. I haven't talked to my sister since Christmas.
  30. I still stand outside at night and look at the stars. Having a cigarette before bed is the perfect opportunity to do this.
  31. I have worked in 3 Greek restaurants so far.
  32. Of all the movie genres, horror is my favorite. Give me an axe wielding madman over Alicia Silverstone any day. Better yet, give me Alicia Silverstone AND an axe wielding madman.
  33. I hate having to repeat myself.
  34. I have never spent the night in hospital.
  35. I can be callous.
  36. Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches are my comfort food.
  37. I am becoming more reminiscent in my old age.
  38. I'm not concerned about my grey hairs.
  39. Although I apologize, I regret nothing.
  40. I believe there is more to the substance of existence than we are aware.
  41. I have had moments of vanity.
  42. My leather jacket is still my armor :)
  43. I like my pizza with fresh tomatoes.
  44. I wanted to be an archeologist when I grew up.
  45. I think people think I'm more annoying than intriguing.
  46. When I disagree with people I don't know, I tend to keep quiet now.
  47. I watched Return of the Jedi for the 4 millionth time last night, and I still find the movie as engrossing as the first time I'd seen it.
  48. Superman, with Chris Reeves, was the first movie I've seen in a theatre.
  49. I want to have a viking burial when I die.
  50. I can't say I have a favorite movie, but the one I still go out of my way to watch is Clue. Tim Curry cracks me up =D
  51. I am currently listening to Master of Puppets, which I think is by far the best Metallica album.
  52. To me, flanges and nipples are not obscene, they are pipe fittings.
  53. I have the capacity to be sick and twisted.
  54. I prefer baths to showers.
  55. I have attempted 3 herb gardens so far without success, and will attempt a 4th this year.
  56. I have very few friends, but lots of acquaintances.
  57. I believe my offering helped make the weather milder here :)
  58. My parents have never been to my house.
  59. I love climbing trees.
  60. I'm beginning to discover 100 is a large number.
  61. I drive a 2000 Chrysler Intrepid.
  62. I fell off the roof at a friend's place last summer trying to show him how easy it was to get in the upstairs window.
  63. I am not afraid to be honest.
  64. I will lie to avoid long, drawn out, pointless conversations.
  65. I never finished PhysEd in high school. I got out of taking it in Sardis because I had taken Outdoor Education in Edson before I moved.
  66. I have howled at the moon on several occasions.
  67. I am impressionable.
  68. I will do something if I tell you I will.
  69. I have two tattoos: 2 ravens on my stomach and a green dragon with folded wings on my back.
  70. Traditional Ale is my favorite beer.
  71. I wear steel toe boots more than sneakers these days.
  72. I think fluorescent lights are making me blind.
  73. I invent conspiracies to confuse the people around me (eg. "Stay away from the mashed potatoes, they put salt peter in them. That's why they taste like medicine.")
  74. My favorite quote is "I know that I know nothing".
  75. I hate people who "finger point". People who blame everyone else for their problems irritate the hell out of me.
  76. I have no moral objections to veal or lamb. In fact, I think both are quite tasty.
  77. I have recurring nightmares about being trapped in a big old house while zombies try to get in.
  78. I wanted to be a teacher once.
  79. I am a 3 time published poet, even though it was in not so reputable anthologies.
  80. I am generous with the stuff I have.
  81. I don't use blue pens. I have a weird superstition thing about them that even I don't understand.
  82. I avoid Starbucks when I can. The last time I was accidentally in one because it was attached to Chapters and I didn't notice.
  83. I try to never raise my voice.
  84. I eat my steak rare.
  85. I'm looking forward to camping this year.
  86. I am more open to people than I have been at any other point in my life.
  87. I think about opening my own pub sometimes.
  88. I worked in a butcher shop when I was 16. The smell was overwhelming.
  89. A horse kicked me in the head when I was 2. This leads me to the conclusion that I am somewhat indestructible.
  90. I feel that I have a sense of purpose.
  91. I'm bothered that comics are becoming "trendy" again. It's the reason I stopped collecting the first time.
  92. I wear a black hard hat when I go outside at work.
  93. I thought Shaun of the Dead was hilarious.
  94. I don't "surf the 'net" unless there is something specific I'm looking for.
  95. I officially got tired of corn flakes for breakfast this morning. I think I'll just go back to black coffee.
  96. I wanted to be a scientist when I grew up.
  97. I liked Deep Space 9 best of all the Star Trek series.
  98. "And this gray spirit yearning in desire to follow knowledge like a sinking star, beyond the utmost bound of human thought" somehow sums me up.
  99. I sometimes try to do handstands just to see if I learned how while I wasn't looking.
  100. I was mad when I finally found my Hawekeye action figure and broke his leg off trying to get him out of the package.


At 4:31 PM , Blogger Sonja Nelson said...

yay! excellent list :)

At 5:02 PM , Blogger September said...

Did you learn anything you didn't know, apart from the tattoos?


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