I've been feeling a strong sense of purpose today, mixed with a bit of Deja Vu. Probably because I slept most of the day yesterday, or perhaps it was relaxing for a day, but I feel potent today. Diane left this morning for home, after a short visit to my second home. It was good to have her here, if even just for the day. It makes this place a little more "home".I'm a nice guy. I'm also a sucker for people with overwhelming problems, and the worst part is, I know it. A girl I work with (not directly) lives in an apartment with at least 8 other people. It's a three bedroom apartment. She was "set-up" with a friend of a roommate, who moved in, and seems to think he shares a room with her now. She wakes up every morning with him in her bed, and every day she tells him to leave her alone. I told her today (against the insistent voice, aka: Trynn) that if she ever wanted any peace and quiet, she could hang out here. I know what it's like not to have a space of your own, and I hate crowds and can't imagine having to live in one. At the end of the month she's moving in with another friend at the end of the month. I have only noble intentions, knowing that she needs help, but I always get dragged into peoples' dramas.
Tonight I think I'm going to work on my BOS a bit. I don't think I should let this feeling have go without doing some work. I'm also going to call Sonja tonight, because we haven't talked in a while, it seems, and I do enjoy her company.
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