Friday, November 11, 2005


I don't know why everyone around me is on the topic of marriage lately. No, that's not true. I do. For the last few days, everytime I turn around, someone is asking if I'm married.

(Trent standing in the bathroom)
Rick: Hey Trent. Are you married?
Trent: No. Common law.
Rick: Oh... how long have you been together?
Trent: Going on eight years.
Rick: Holy shit! My wife and I have only been... *Trent's eyes glaze over, as Rick voice starts to go fuzzy*
(Pause. Rick looks expectantly at Trent)
Trent: No kids.
Rick: DINKS then.
(Trent holds up a hand)
Trent: Look Rick, I don't think it's appropriate, talking about dinks in the men's can.
(Rick's eyes go blank, he looks puzzled as Trent finishes washing his hands and exits).

Then it happened again, about ten minutes later, only this time it was at my office door, and half the building was involved. "Marriage is an expression of love!"
"No it's not."
"Yes, it is. How else can you really show someone that you love them? It's about commitment."
"No, it's not. I express my love for her everyday when I tell her I love her, when I trust her, and I don't betray her trust. When I remain faithful to her. When I don't hide things from her, and confide in her. That's your commitment. Not the paperwork, or the ring, or the vows that no one understands or takes seriously."
"That's not right. Bryce, you're a married man, aren't you happy?"
"Bryce, if you didn't have kids would you be married?"
"Fuck no."


At 6:36 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

I hear the same comments alot. I've been with my "dh" (were not really married) for over 13 years.

We're happy, committed and fine without the paper. People just can't understand why we wouldn't get married.


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