Friday, November 25, 2005

The Return of Bo Chi

I went to a Partylight candle party last night. The first one I've actually attended. I went to one before, at Diane's mom's, but I pretty much filled a plate with snack food and b-lined for the basement. It's not that I'm too "macho" or masculine for that sort of thing, it's the people that attend that tend to grate on me. For example, last night I was more or less enjoying the serenity of the experience, when this woman with a poodle shows up. Now, I don't like poodles mostly on account of my theory that they aren't actually animals, but that the earth opens up and spits these things out every year. But I digress. The woman comes in with her poodle and the mood of the room changes. Suddenly people are uncomfortable and there's a general negativity that I can't really explain. Now dogs (because there were two already in the house) are barking, the woman who owns the poodle is swatting the other dogs, trying to haul her own into her arms and screeching "Turner, stop it!"

I'm coming out of another "flux state". Since I started blogging back in, was it March(???), I noticed patterns in my psyche. What I once descibed as the people living in my head, have been in states of almost constant rotation. It's wierd, but where before I would go for long periods of time in a certain frame of mind, now it changes frequently, sometimes within days. My increasing moodiness could be a settling out of awareness, or instability. Probably it's everything coming together. The balance I've been looking for, because balance for me will never be a flat line. Closer peaks, is more likely...

Now I'm just babbling. But fuck it. It's my blog.


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