Monday, May 28, 2012


Ok, may seem like it's going to be a little jumbled, and rambly.  There is a trail here though, trust me.

Erin and Sean came up on saturday for a visit this past weekend.  I love Erin to death, because she is honestly one of the best "good people" I know.  The kind of good that's mostly missing from the world.  She is always looking for ways to improve herself, and the lives of people around her.  She says she's a flake, because, like me, she's ecclectic, and maybe a little eccentric.  In any case, her and her husband came to visit, and she brought me presents.

Erin loves to give people handmade gifts.  She told me some of the people she gives gifts to don't appreciate it, but I love them.  Her stuff is always original, and always made with the recipiant in mind.  And so, in a green reusable bag, covered in cartoon frogs, I received a new hat and scarf that she had crochetted this past winter, and an apron.  The apron I was particularily excited about.  I've been wanting one for a little while, and when I pulled this on out of the bag, it was perfect.  It has '40s pin-up girls sitting on motorbikes all over it.  Saucy.  It wasn't until after she left that I tried on the hat and scarf, which I also absolutely adore.

I was never hat person before.  I have a smaller head, so hats had never fit me properly when I was growing up, and I just never felt comfortable wearing one.  Last year, I started to develope a taste for unique and often old-fashioned hats.  I didn't give it a lot of thought at the time.  "It's a cute hat." 

While Erin was visiting, one of the things we half-assed chatted about was having a baby.  A while ago, Erin volunteered to carry my baby for me, if I decided I wanted to have one.  I'd been thinking about it for a while, even though I knew I'd essentially be raising him/her alone.  I missed out on my son's youth, and I don't know, I feel like I should have someone to raise.  I would be a great parent, I think.  But then I think about how I'm in my late 30's, I'm mostly settled, but not completely, and let's face it, when it comes to relationships, I'm not a great roll model.  But I do have a lot to offer, a lot to pass down.

So, a handmade hat has me thinking, that maybe I should wear the hat of motherhood.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fridays These Days

Just because there's not much in my life that would be considered "normal", I'm sitting at work, counting down the day to get out of work, with a 10 week old puppy in my lap. 

I need Fridays these days.  Everything else requires too much.